Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Late Period Because Of Stomach Flu

Some tips for mountain climbs on a bicycle .... The Rolling

not piracy, but look for the magazine stalls and shops ... very good articles ... one of them is as follows ... (Photos if I put myself, heh, heh)

As rise in the MTB? (Taken from BIKE magazine no. April 26-May 2011)

Author: Juan Montero
Who does the following sound familiar ?:

"Uphill, when the inclination is important, the two main reasons why you can not reach the top without putting your feet on the ground are that the front wheel to lift you up or the rear skid . How to avoid these two evils? "

Put yourself in the position and pedaling hard. If you wake up the seat in a very steep rise is likely that the rear wheel skid, so stay seated and warrant that most of your weight falls on the rear wheel, which is what gives you traction, and thus this may stick better the ground. If you sit far behind the front wheel wants to get up, so you lose control and you can not go up, so you must put yourself leaning on the edge of the seat. The greater the slope, closer to the end you'll have to sit. To keep control of the front wheel well to sit upfront, elbows and lower chest, trying to get the trunk is parallel to the ground. You have to put weight on both wheels and this is what you get with this flat position. Try pedaling with force but without being rude, trying to pull up with one foot while pushing down instead.

The moderate slopes, completely change technique, as the grip is not a limiting factor, cycling, seated, a position virtually identical to the standard position, but from time to stand up to time, especially in long hikes. When you stand up, do not make the mistake of leaving the bike vertical, sideways range has to be done to make better use of weight change that is made with the pedaling. As you take one foot down, you have to go tilting the bike to the opposite side. To learn you can make the gesture, pausing with each pedal stroke.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Making A Homemade Blind

Road safety. Multiple problems.

The road safety. Multiple problems.

Director: Susana Molina Martin
Co-director: Julio Magadan Magadan
road accidents are a serious family problem, social, economic, etc. For the year 2050 are expected to be the third leading cause of death worldwide according to World Health Organization. Given this reality, establishing the need, at first, identify the problem of road accidents and their causes, for a second time, provide solutions, research, information, training and education professionals traffic-related consider vital to achieving the long-awaited road safety.
hours: 18 ECTS
1 credit, 2 free credits and 2 credits of the Ministry.

Place and dates of development:

organizer: UNED Asturias. See
held: Gijón
From June 29 to July 1, 2011
Spaces that develops: Gijón


Wednesday, June 29 16:45 to 17:00 h. Opening of the course.
Mario Menéndez Fernández. CA Director of Asturias. UNED.
17:00 to 19:00 h. Road accidents: analysis and reflection. (Theoretical)
Sandra Varela Pereira. Professor of Education Expert Course Road and Adult Education. UNED.
19:00-21:00 h. The risk as a determinant of the incident. (Theoretical) July
Magadan Magadan. Coordinator of Education and Road Safety. Ayuntamiento de Siero

Thursday, June 30 10:00 to 12:00 h. Driver education: areas and educational agents. (Theoretical)
Susana Molina Martin. Teacher Training and Teacher Education. Uniovi.
12:00-14:00 h. Behavioral change. (Theoretical)
Esteban Francesc Amat. Teacher Education. URL.
17:00 to 19:00 h. Traffic laws and road safety. (Theoretical)
Mario Menéndez Fernández.
19:00-21:00 h. New technology and traffic control of the security service. (Theoretical)
Alejandro Martinez Gallo. Local Police Chief Commissioner Gijón. Gijón City Council.

Friday July 1st 9:00 to 11:00 h. Driving models: ecological, efficient, economical. (Theoretical)
José Antonio Amado Gómez. Trainer Road. ADEVA.
11:00 to 13:00 h. Crimes against road safety. Alternative measures. Treatment through education. (Theoretical)
Bartolomé Vargas Cabrera. Chamber Chief Prosecutor. State Attorney General.
13:00 to 13:15 h. Closing and delivery of Diplomas for assistance. Susana Molina
Martin and Julio Magadan Magadan.

Registration on-line.