Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How To Tie A Matress And Box Spring To Roof Rack

Rock on Fire [Archive] 2da HYBK meets meets on the 2nd Fanclub HYBK

And we spent a pleasant afternoon with the Fanclub!
The girls had time to coordinate things about the fanclub, the band also inform a number of changes and activities we are currently doing, we advance a new theme: D (Himitsu) and had fun teaching them how to play piano and make the baby step Staw Away! Here some picus

! ; D
おかげ で あなた は!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Florida Work Boat For Sale

We will be meeting with the fanclub after a long time! But the wait is worth it! Staff
girls will communicate the changes and the reasons for the pre meeting. Akiba Fest! : D

Also if you're part of the official fan club membership or want to be part of it, the meets will give you more information. Join

facebook event HERE

And if you're part of the membership, you can adqurir your tickets for the Akiba Fest and S/.55 GENERAL S/.40 VIP! Now if we Akiba Fest this June 19: D

so I hope! FC HYBK