Between 10 and November 13, 2006, young volunteers Duoc UC, Andrés Bello University and individuals were invited to participate in our first activity BIOTA INTEGRA Vilches Alto, to provide our guests an opportunity to enjoy and learn from nature. Six children Telethon Institute of Puerto Montt, seven children and youth of the Disabled Agruparaciónde San Clemente, terapaeuta seven mothers and were our guests on that occasion.
The images on this blog summary of the experience, which in the opinion of all participants was incredible and unexpectedly rewarding.
On behalf of Biota Maule, want to thank everyone who made this activity:
- To our neighbors Vilches Alto: Flower and family for their efforts, enthusiasm and gifts, Tito and Lily for their logistical support and good humor , Pancho, Eladio, Panchito and Daniel (Vilches carriers) for their valuable time and their beautiful horses, Andrés (Conaf Ranger) and Mary, his inevitable and valuable presence, Don Jesus and family for their exquisite snow ice cream, Doritos and Hugo, for his generosity, Jorge, mountaineer and friend.
- A student and professional volunteers who donated their time and dedication to this cause, Alejandro, Gonzalo, Natalia, Cristian, Ignacio, Maria Teresa de Duoc UC, Coral, Chloe, Maria José, Trinidad, Daniela and Hector U . Sebastián Andrés Bello, Rafael, Macarena, César, Sophie and Andrew.
- To our friends Ximena Alvarez and Hector Erices, Adventure Tourism teachers Duoc UC, to trust in our work.
- A Junaeb, for their invaluable assistance in food and food handlers
- The I. City of San Clemente, Moves to our guests to and from Talca and offer travelers a rich Puerto Montt welcome breakfast.
- A Producer Joel and Claude Black River, for agreeing to publish two great videos of our work.
- A Columbia company, to make our program work Columbia Challenge.
- A Don Luis Farias and Ms. Adriana, owners of The Park Morrillo his good will.
- To our dear children: Naiomi and Natalie, for sharing our dreams.
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