Sunday, November 7, 2010

Age Of Empires 1 Multiplayer Ohne Cd

Updating ...


's been a while since the last post = S

I'll tell you a little of what happened recently and what is coming too!

In July we had a presentation on Fire Rock Lima, Barranco Bar
was an experience (for us) different, because we had the opportunity to share the stage with bands well known in the local scene. Quite a challenge but also a pleasure in the ROCKS!

In August we were on the 1st anniversary of Otaku TV station. The photos can be viewed on the facebook page. This presentation was the launch of our new song "LAST CHANCE"! and we will be taking advantage of the following show to promote it = P

also received an invitation to AnderockTV who made us a very cool interview in the study Folks, Last Chance and record live = D


the 6th of November we will present at the event Cosplay Parade organized by the Peruvian-Japanese Association. It was in the theater and was a SELL OUT! The event was so welcome when they said "will no longer anyone else" had a tail of 2 blocks!

The event was very good presentations of individual and group cosplay.

Hayabiki was there to close the event! and found it excellent! People were the best!
On this event there are several stories to tell! (But tell in the next post = P)

Soon we will be uploading pictures on facebook.


And what comes next is the traditional 2010 version AELU MATSURI!
We'll be playing in the block Seinen no Matsuri, which starts at 4pm and we will be like at 6pm. HYBK accompanied by the Super Fan Club!

gonna be great! See you!



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