Monday, March 21, 2011

Light Grey And Dark Gray Suit

solitude ...

nothing to do with these visions nostalgic and melancholy of loneliness, just the opposite. They were miles of intense communication from me, me. Moments that I think should be part of our usual walk, and also in the film.

We can not discover the richness of solitude if you do not enjoy the company, as we can not discover the value of group if you do not love being alone with ourselves.

a couple of days ago I had the good fortune to verify fully. We started early as usual, bringing that segment that leads to the plateau of the forest, and then letting the gap get engulfed us and transport us to the speed of the hawk winds between the hills and ravines. We were some of the usual, Charlie, Robert, Adrian, Paco and a last-minute guest, Mayra if I remember correctly.

take this slope that got us more and over the forest was like in the movies classic of my childhood, I felt myself jumping into hyperspace Han Solo, seeing as in my visual periphery, the trees were only green patches were twisted as my aluminum lake and I slid on the gap. dodging stones and cracks if they were ships of the Empire or the Sith.

Then came the break leaving the gap and avoiding the single track that we laid on the edge of forest. We face our view the valley of San Isidro, with dust rising in our way we reached the fork that I split from the group and took me to this gift I gave myself. And in a flash me I found shooting at my leisure, my step, my own destiny (forces today would write a script ... lol).

left With all this drama, I can assure you it is a joy ride alone, of course, as is shooting in the middle of the pack. Anyway, this time I noticed the time, the opportunity to shoot well, just enjoying the sound of my bike on other days camino.Pasé where I spent together with other and savored the memories sweetened my moment. I heard my mind and let her talk to my spirit, I think it can get along, just need to know a little more. Together I think we can go much further than any of us believe.

And so I went back to my starting point, I was attacking my fatigue and my new brand mark, my new points to overcome, my new records. Without the desire to prove to someone else, what better way of knowing that I was able to prove it to myself? What better way to know that I did, that remembering the road from 7:20 am to see me again at 11:00 rolling toward home.



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