Saturday, December 18, 2010

Resizing My Leather Jacket

The Mule

robotic support system Infantry
The Mule has an uncanny ability to be very useful to transform the U.S. military into a force more agile and mobile. The MULE's unique mobility will enable you to go where the soldiers go much further. The soldiers of U.S. Army will use this new technology to perform the toughest jobs, uncomfortable and dangerous today, being free to concentrate on the success of their missions.
This highly mobile platform is specifically designed to meet the needs of Future Forces soldiers in operations on foot. The articulate and highly advanced suspension MULE 6x6, coupled with independent motors driving each of its wheels, providing extreme mobility in complex terrain, far exceeding other vehicles that use more conventional suspension systems. Get
climb at least one meter, far exceeding the requirements. And it provides mobility and stability needed to accompany the troops on foot through rough terrain, rocks, debris and urban areas. At the same time to compensate for varying internal weight and center of gravity changes, this technology also allows the MULE cross cracks up to a meter wide, slopes over 40 percent, fords water up to half a meter depth and obstacles feet tall.


The MULE, a vehicle of 2.5 tonnes for the Future Combat Systems, includes three variants: Transport, Armed Robotic Vehicle Assault (Light) (ARV-A (L)) and Anti- mines.


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