Thursday, December 23, 2010

Service Hours Ideas For Probation


Next January 21, 2011 will be held in Castrillon (Asturias) a Workshop on Road Safety Education under the title:

"A high for reflection ... and then? Do you follow? "


Day Schedule:

09.30 hours. to 10.00 hours.: Registration and delivery of documentation.

10.00 hours: Presentation of the conference

- Mayor of the Municipality of Castrillón

- Chief Provincial Traffic Asturias

- Driver Education Coordinator of the Basque Government

- ADEVA Vice President

- APLAMEV President

10.30 hours.: Paper.

analysis and reflection on Road Education in Asturias.
D. July Magadan Magadan.
FETEVI President.
- Driver Education Coordinating JPTA. D. Carlos López Ortiz
- formal education. D. Luis Antonio Segurola
- Road Training. D. José Antonio Amado Gómez
- Occupational Health and Safety. D. Luis Manuel Pérez Sánchez
- Gender perspective and Driver Education. Criado María Antonia Pello
11.00 Hrs.-11, 30 hours break, coffee
11.30 hours.: Paper.

Practice Experience reflection.

D. Martin Gil Osorio. Driver Education Coordinator

Basque Government.

12.00 hours.: Working groups (coordinates and directs D. Martin Gil Osorio)

14 , 00 hours.: Working Lunch

16.30 hours to 17.00 hours.: Presentation of the results of the various working groups.

JPTA Traffic Education Coordination. D. Carlos López Ortiz

- formal education. D Luis Antonio Segurola

- Road Training. D. José Antonio Amado Gómez

- Prevention of occupational hazards. D. Luis Manuel Pérez Sánchez

- Gender perspective and Driver Education. Criado María Antonia Pello

17.00 hours to 18.00 hours.: Panel consisting of the heads of the workshops.

Completion Day. Diplomas Delivery and Closing Assistance.

- Mayor of the City Castrillon

- Chief Provincial Traffic Asturias

- the Chief Local Police Castrillon

Information and registration via tel: 677 827 601 and email:

http: / /


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