Monday, April 11, 2011

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look inside ... from my bike

Hi all, Here
simply reaching the end of a Monday more. The wheel keeps turning.
And I bring to share a couple of photos, taken not long ago for a change in our beautiful forest spring. It seems that which is the evening there is nothing that ... is in the first few minutes of sun a few days ago. Shaping what is the spirit of mountain biking ... sharing nature, feeling the cool of the road, reaching the top in the way, not expecting anything other than find the next climb, because we know that after every promotion comes a drop us near the end of the tread, which in turn brings us to our next challenge ....

As an example, being found after a closed curve with this slide, I invited close your eyes, take the handle, hold on to the pedals, grit your teeth to bite my tongue and release the brake ...

Not this time, I wanted to reach my destination, I honored the path respecting the challenge, see if it meets the following day as it exceeds the step. ..

And I went the route, without shame or sense of failure, because my bike route and saw me with affection, understood and respected. Everyone has their time, time ... who refuses even to discover that cycling is a key para llegar al fondo de la naturaleza humana? que es una herramienta que ofrece una perspectiva de elevar a la sociedad a un estado de madurez, de comprensión y de respeto por el proceso de cada uno de sus miembros, y en esa aceptación, coronar nuevos triunfos que nos hagan poder dejar atrás el egoísmo, la soberbia y la arrogancia..



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