Saturday, April 2, 2011

Male Brazilian Wax In Canada

March 25, 2011, a Friday that is just beginning.
7:04 a.m., the sun has dawned for about 8 minutes behind me but the shadow of Mount Palomar still keeps me in the cool of dawn.
poles, the house of access to the Primavera Forest, no one else appears there, I undertake the early-morning shot.
3 kms. approximately to the first port, so to speak. And continued by the "broad way", one for kilometers, meters, meters less.

internal Me "single track" that goes to the Devil's Backbone and then down the map "angel" and from there across the wide road and head back to the "tree." Leave off the fly and I keep to "the cougar." Crossed several lanes, some escaloncillos climb, I slip between roots and stones, savoring the dust that I wake up.
I cross the meadow where the house stands impunity "should not be there." Some politiquillo without escrípulos no respect for mother earth and able to or respect for her own mother up with a "naco" taste "of arrogance and stained for a few seconds my journey ...

But the taste is short, and the hope of his disappearance is driven by my crossing the ford and I step back onto the wide road, go up the hill and back to the first port, initiating my descent into the city.

are 8:50 am, Friday is just beginning ...



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