Sunday, April 24, 2011

Silver Nitrate Treatment Erosion Of Cervix

What birds can we see ... Two

This Sunday I shot again. Taking advantage of the period "vacation", four cyclists friends and I took the challenge of filming the Tronadora through the woods, then go around one of its margins and return to dive into the dusty gaps and patches of pumice that we demanded in every so often more "fiber" to circumvent muscle.

The exquisite taste of the challenge well beyond this time compared with a moment of magic. It was a bit before reaching halfway, but some have "come out" of the forest, rolling at good speed gap dirt lined a fence for livestock and shrubs that serve as a refuge for many birds in the area. Charly was a few meters ahead and scared the first flock, which was joined by a second one came flying past me ... I saw the odometer and marked the twenty miles per hour, which was little more than the flight speed of flocks ... I got caught between birds ... like flying! Listening to their flapping, they and I plying the dust cloud that Charly had risen, until some moments that seemed to spread over time, were turning them to the right while I kept the gap.

I merged into my own nature, away from television, from morning and afternoon traffic to make one, news induced by the government or companies that appeal to our neglect of our origin simple and practical ... For a moment I flew with the birds, I shared my space with my surroundings, tasted the dusty road, I felt the bite mix of sun and wind caress my skin, breathed and enjoyed as a child without need a video game, or the young person who pleads for a new hair gel, or post-pubescent that believes need to be sluggish for the wine to be "cool" ... did not need any gadgets under his arm, I just felt, heard, shared and saw my nature always here around me ...



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