Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Late Period Because Of Stomach Flu

Some tips for mountain climbs on a bicycle .... The Rolling

not piracy, but look for the magazine stalls and shops ... very good articles ... one of them is as follows ... (Photos if I put myself, heh, heh)

As rise in the MTB? (Taken from BIKE magazine no. April 26-May 2011)

Author: Juan Montero
Who does the following sound familiar ?:

"Uphill, when the inclination is important, the two main reasons why you can not reach the top without putting your feet on the ground are that the front wheel to lift you up or the rear skid . How to avoid these two evils? "

Put yourself in the position and pedaling hard. If you wake up the seat in a very steep rise is likely that the rear wheel skid, so stay seated and warrant that most of your weight falls on the rear wheel, which is what gives you traction, and thus this may stick better the ground. If you sit far behind the front wheel wants to get up, so you lose control and you can not go up, so you must put yourself leaning on the edge of the seat. The greater the slope, closer to the end you'll have to sit. To keep control of the front wheel well to sit upfront, elbows and lower chest, trying to get the trunk is parallel to the ground. You have to put weight on both wheels and this is what you get with this flat position. Try pedaling with force but without being rude, trying to pull up with one foot while pushing down instead.

The moderate slopes, completely change technique, as the grip is not a limiting factor, cycling, seated, a position virtually identical to the standard position, but from time to stand up to time, especially in long hikes. When you stand up, do not make the mistake of leaving the bike vertical, sideways range has to be done to make better use of weight change that is made with the pedaling. As you take one foot down, you have to go tilting the bike to the opposite side. To learn you can make the gesture, pausing with each pedal stroke.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Making A Homemade Blind

Road safety. Multiple problems.

The road safety. Multiple problems.

Director: Susana Molina Martin
Co-director: Julio Magadan Magadan
road accidents are a serious family problem, social, economic, etc. For the year 2050 are expected to be the third leading cause of death worldwide according to World Health Organization. Given this reality, establishing the need, at first, identify the problem of road accidents and their causes, for a second time, provide solutions, research, information, training and education professionals traffic-related consider vital to achieving the long-awaited road safety.
hours: 18 ECTS
1 credit, 2 free credits and 2 credits of the Ministry.

Place and dates of development:

organizer: UNED Asturias. See
held: Gijón
From June 29 to July 1, 2011
Spaces that develops: Gijón


Wednesday, June 29 16:45 to 17:00 h. Opening of the course.
Mario Menéndez Fernández. CA Director of Asturias. UNED.
17:00 to 19:00 h. Road accidents: analysis and reflection. (Theoretical)
Sandra Varela Pereira. Professor of Education Expert Course Road and Adult Education. UNED.
19:00-21:00 h. The risk as a determinant of the incident. (Theoretical) July
Magadan Magadan. Coordinator of Education and Road Safety. Ayuntamiento de Siero

Thursday, June 30 10:00 to 12:00 h. Driver education: areas and educational agents. (Theoretical)
Susana Molina Martin. Teacher Training and Teacher Education. Uniovi.
12:00-14:00 h. Behavioral change. (Theoretical)
Esteban Francesc Amat. Teacher Education. URL.
17:00 to 19:00 h. Traffic laws and road safety. (Theoretical)
Mario Menéndez Fernández.
19:00-21:00 h. New technology and traffic control of the security service. (Theoretical)
Alejandro Martinez Gallo. Local Police Chief Commissioner Gijón. Gijón City Council.

Friday July 1st 9:00 to 11:00 h. Driving models: ecological, efficient, economical. (Theoretical)
José Antonio Amado Gómez. Trainer Road. ADEVA.
11:00 to 13:00 h. Crimes against road safety. Alternative measures. Treatment through education. (Theoretical)
Bartolomé Vargas Cabrera. Chamber Chief Prosecutor. State Attorney General.
13:00 to 13:15 h. Closing and delivery of Diplomas for assistance. Susana Molina
Martin and Julio Magadan Magadan.

Registration on-line.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dora Backpack Philippines

Tronadora, Sunday April

Now, recounting some of his experience at our last meeting the challenge across the Forest Spring and back to "Tronadora." Since Sunday we came together in poles at about 8:15 am we were already up to 8 ½ at 8:30 am. Fresco painting day because the wind a little cooler than others of these random days in April, almost May.

Five cyclists, Robert, Charles, Rommel, Paco and the Ro ... five kilometers, and leave behind the 8 ½ and we are rolling the eleventh, when we finished the initial slope and our biological and mechanical muscle (of the bike course) and are entering into heat. 10 km of predominantly come down that leads to the valley known as pennyroyal and we pass the "green door" that would take us to Tower 3, but this time it is not our goal. A couple of miles ahead is the entrance to vampires ... not because I call so this single track, but neither am going to get to find out. What if it is one of the sections to roll my most magical in this forest. Is fraught with silence, cool spots, mature trees and seem to see how these elders of the village square, with serenity, wisdom and patience ...

crossed "vampires" and leave the forests to San Isidro, but that is not our goal, divert our way to take the path leading to the spa "Volcanoes." And mark past the 20 kilometer run and we have to start rolling the road that borders the forest.

are about 10 kilometers, without shade or no shade. Following a path also crossed earthy and one that other car or truck that goes from one to another of the villages that are located on the banks of the forest. The sun even that, he behaved kind to these five adventurers Sunday, letting a cool breeze accompanied us during most of the journey, although we are not exhausted, if we tan the skin that I can not be covered by our helmets, jerseys and tights ...

Km 30 approx, and two hours after starting our journey we arrived at "the shop." A real oasis for cyclists who venture to the challenge of thundering, for a few minutes we sat in the entryway of the store that it offers "a coke", a "V-8, and a snack to recharge your batteries before the last part.

Recharged batteries began retake the shot, which is not nothing but a return to this, my beautiful, magical forest La Primavera. Following the path of tractors and vehicles that take vegetables crops in this area, we go deeper into the forest again, now with the stealthy look of Tower 1. The road becomes a single track that goes up into the woods and we're spending energy reserves again after 3 hours of shot at a good pace, and now the shadows of the trees but the requirement of a significant slope .

This new slope ends at the road that connects with the climb to Tower 1. Charly decided there just tossing the plus and go to the Tower, others chose to continue with the initial plan to reach the junction (we can say that ends with "the Tronadora", a slope with a very respectable percentage slope ... ) turn right and headed to the remainder of the race track and then just let it go to Poles ... 43 miles, 3 hours and 50 minutes. Four brave cyclists (the fifth would be coming to the Tower 1) finally successfully completed a challenge more ... Tronadora in April 2011.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Silver Nitrate Treatment Erosion Of Cervix

What birds can we see ... Two

This Sunday I shot again. Taking advantage of the period "vacation", four cyclists friends and I took the challenge of filming the Tronadora through the woods, then go around one of its margins and return to dive into the dusty gaps and patches of pumice that we demanded in every so often more "fiber" to circumvent muscle.

The exquisite taste of the challenge well beyond this time compared with a moment of magic. It was a bit before reaching halfway, but some have "come out" of the forest, rolling at good speed gap dirt lined a fence for livestock and shrubs that serve as a refuge for many birds in the area. Charly was a few meters ahead and scared the first flock, which was joined by a second one came flying past me ... I saw the odometer and marked the twenty miles per hour, which was little more than the flight speed of flocks ... I got caught between birds ... like flying! Listening to their flapping, they and I plying the dust cloud that Charly had risen, until some moments that seemed to spread over time, were turning them to the right while I kept the gap.

I merged into my own nature, away from television, from morning and afternoon traffic to make one, news induced by the government or companies that appeal to our neglect of our origin simple and practical ... For a moment I flew with the birds, I shared my space with my surroundings, tasted the dusty road, I felt the bite mix of sun and wind caress my skin, breathed and enjoyed as a child without need a video game, or the young person who pleads for a new hair gel, or post-pubescent that believes need to be sluggish for the wine to be "cool" ... did not need any gadgets under his arm, I just felt, heard, shared and saw my nature always here around me ...


Monday, April 11, 2011

Chip Reader Write Protection Error

look inside ... from my bike

Hi all, Here
simply reaching the end of a Monday more. The wheel keeps turning.
And I bring to share a couple of photos, taken not long ago for a change in our beautiful forest spring. It seems that which is the evening there is nothing that ... is in the first few minutes of sun a few days ago. Shaping what is the spirit of mountain biking ... sharing nature, feeling the cool of the road, reaching the top in the way, not expecting anything other than find the next climb, because we know that after every promotion comes a drop us near the end of the tread, which in turn brings us to our next challenge ....

As an example, being found after a closed curve with this slide, I invited close your eyes, take the handle, hold on to the pedals, grit your teeth to bite my tongue and release the brake ...

Not this time, I wanted to reach my destination, I honored the path respecting the challenge, see if it meets the following day as it exceeds the step. ..

And I went the route, without shame or sense of failure, because my bike route and saw me with affection, understood and respected. Everyone has their time, time ... who refuses even to discover that cycling is a key para llegar al fondo de la naturaleza humana? que es una herramienta que ofrece una perspectiva de elevar a la sociedad a un estado de madurez, de comprensión y de respeto por el proceso de cada uno de sus miembros, y en esa aceptación, coronar nuevos triunfos que nos hagan poder dejar atrás el egoísmo, la soberbia y la arrogancia..


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Paddle Sticks In Breadmaker

!.... No again ... Just one more shot

Olor a leña. Pero sin el gusto de estar en una cabaña, en medio del bosque y a lado de amigos. Ahora este aroma es el del desprecio del humano por su origen, the smudge of the silence of so many of us see every day as it destroys what is ours and only a few are eager to do theirs. Our cries in the electronic media that generally fall into inaction when the scroll of the screen makes them miss below the monitor ...

In plain words, then rolling this morning Spring forest instead of the aroma of pine and dust of dawn, I brought with me soaked, the smell of burnt forest, grass, grass, branches and leaves. Still we ran down the trunk to the side of the road smoking. We took on the task of ground cover and from there take the opportunity to take some photos.

missing now for the authority (whether state, municipal , federal ...) to do something, give an example ... not the surveyor "cause." No, just a scapegoat would have to see the origin, the unscrupulous owner and waiting for the "stupidity" of the mass (we) launches the command "clean" the ground to steal more land to forest. Headless beings (or at least a limited capacity) that could not manage to realize they are stealing from their own existence and those who come after us. Rather than building extending the city should invest in building more efficient by the city ...

The more we wait? The more we endure?


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Male Brazilian Wax In Canada

March 25, 2011, a Friday that is just beginning.
7:04 a.m., the sun has dawned for about 8 minutes behind me but the shadow of Mount Palomar still keeps me in the cool of dawn.
poles, the house of access to the Primavera Forest, no one else appears there, I undertake the early-morning shot.
3 kms. approximately to the first port, so to speak. And continued by the "broad way", one for kilometers, meters, meters less.

internal Me "single track" that goes to the Devil's Backbone and then down the map "angel" and from there across the wide road and head back to the "tree." Leave off the fly and I keep to "the cougar." Crossed several lanes, some escaloncillos climb, I slip between roots and stones, savoring the dust that I wake up.
I cross the meadow where the house stands impunity "should not be there." Some politiquillo without escrípulos no respect for mother earth and able to or respect for her own mother up with a "naco" taste "of arrogance and stained for a few seconds my journey ...

But the taste is short, and the hope of his disappearance is driven by my crossing the ford and I step back onto the wide road, go up the hill and back to the first port, initiating my descent into the city.

are 8:50 am, Friday is just beginning ...


Friday, April 1, 2011

Arctic Cat Zrt 600 Top Speed

driver education: training for sustainable and safe mobility



TARGET: Free access. Follow the course requires no prior expertise.

Registration fee: € 211.10

PERFORMANCE DATES: 20 to June 24, 2011

REGISTRATION PERIOD: From 11 April to 5 May 6 May 2011Del to June 15, 2011

COURSE TYPE: Certified by 4 , 5 free credits on the records of regulated education and 3 credits of continuing education at non-university teachers of Asturias active. PLACE

of instruction: CAMPUS LLAMAQUIQUE. SCIENCE EDUCATION. (201) - Aula 21

course Triptych

OBJECTIVES: The objectives are: participants increase their knowledge about the factors involved in the trafficking phenomenon and reflect on their own behaviors road, a precursor to behavioral change. Specifically, we intend that participants reflect on the causes of traffic accidents; know and identify the various factors involved in the phenomenon of traffic, think about the importance of human factors in road safety and assess the risk factor travel on public roads, reduce their risk when using public roads in the driver side, passenger, pedestrian, pedestrian together, know the law in detráfico, regarding driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs, and practice experience and practical experience of driving in a circuit.

CONTENT: This course is organized into five modules. The first aim is for participants to reflect on the accident from susvivencias road. In the second focuses on road safety education (conceptual, procedural and attitudinal) from different areas, agents and contexts. The third and fourth aims to extend previous knowledge about the influence of the factors involved in traffic (human, vehicle and road), as well as reflection about making decisions about conflictosviales. And finally, as a cause of accidents is the consumption of alcohol by young people, the fifth module is aimed at bringing about a change of attitude in them, after experiencing the various factors that can affect driving.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1) EDUCATION AND ROAD SAFETY: THE CONTRIBUTION OF SOCIAL WORKERS SAFE MOBILITY. V. Pérez Manso MJ Brown and Brown Móstoles: Etrasa, 2008. 2) MANUAL OF DRIVER EDUCATION. Ministry of Interior. Madrid: DGT, 2000. 3) RISK WANTED? HUMAN BEHAVIOR TO ELPELIGRO. Wilde GJS Mexico: Mexican Association of Hygiene and Safety, 2001.

EVALUATION CRITERIA: For the purposes of approval of course free credits valued assistance (control of firms) and the design of an intervention project as developing road safety education, estimated at 15 hours, is the non- Course attendance. Focus: The place of presentation of the work is: release 315 (Teacher Training School, Oviedo) or by e-mail to: / The deadline for submission is: last day - July 8, 2011. The extension of the work is: 5-10 pages (basic sections of a project, viable and innovative).

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is Pic Of Male Erection Illegal

See this movie highly Recondo # at = 15 praparacion

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pokemon Furry Doujinshi

A cup of coffee? Rolling with my friend

So I found a few days ago. So comfortable and relaxed in the shade of a coffee in the area of \u200b\u200bChapultepec.
That it is taking time from time to time. Stop and enjoy good company.

roll is a freshness in the morning right? No matter if the wood wheels, or if it is to get to your work, avoiding traffic, or wheeled through the streets by the simple desire to enjoy the city, whether on weekdays or on Sunday.

walk on board the rila is a rest for the mind, is integrate the environment, whether gaps and trees or pavement and buildings. And more when at your side, wheels others, whether known or not. Share both the joy of moving, yet human being at one with the machine that moves, and that takes them to the phone and that is due.

is enjoying the essence of who we are as living beings, without "cutting corners" of the effort, everyone has to spend its energy, time consuming, taking the fatigue and ultimately reach the destination knowing that once again we have achieved, we shot one more day!

Monday, March 28, 2011

What Are The Reactants Of Baking


Directions Public Health Departments of Health of Xativa and the West have organized a Road Safety Day in the town of La Pobla Larga, the next day, April 11, 2011 from 09.00 to 14.30h.

To register send the data to, or by calling 96 245 74 37.


- 9:30 a.m. Opening.

-09.45-10.15h. Healthy lunch. -10.45-11:45 a.m.. Safe school routes.

-11.15-11.30 am. Injury prevention program for traffic accidents.

- 11.30-12.00h. Education Xátiva road.

- 12.00-24:30. Effectiveness of road safety interventions based on evidence.

-12.30-13.00h. Roundtable with the participation of all speakers.

-13.00h Closing of the Conference.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Light Grey And Dark Gray Suit

solitude ...

nothing to do with these visions nostalgic and melancholy of loneliness, just the opposite. They were miles of intense communication from me, me. Moments that I think should be part of our usual walk, and also in the film.

We can not discover the richness of solitude if you do not enjoy the company, as we can not discover the value of group if you do not love being alone with ourselves.

a couple of days ago I had the good fortune to verify fully. We started early as usual, bringing that segment that leads to the plateau of the forest, and then letting the gap get engulfed us and transport us to the speed of the hawk winds between the hills and ravines. We were some of the usual, Charlie, Robert, Adrian, Paco and a last-minute guest, Mayra if I remember correctly.

take this slope that got us more and over the forest was like in the movies classic of my childhood, I felt myself jumping into hyperspace Han Solo, seeing as in my visual periphery, the trees were only green patches were twisted as my aluminum lake and I slid on the gap. dodging stones and cracks if they were ships of the Empire or the Sith.

Then came the break leaving the gap and avoiding the single track that we laid on the edge of forest. We face our view the valley of San Isidro, with dust rising in our way we reached the fork that I split from the group and took me to this gift I gave myself. And in a flash me I found shooting at my leisure, my step, my own destiny (forces today would write a script ... lol).

left With all this drama, I can assure you it is a joy ride alone, of course, as is shooting in the middle of the pack. Anyway, this time I noticed the time, the opportunity to shoot well, just enjoying the sound of my bike on other days camino.Pasé where I spent together with other and savored the memories sweetened my moment. I heard my mind and let her talk to my spirit, I think it can get along, just need to know a little more. Together I think we can go much further than any of us believe.

And so I went back to my starting point, I was attacking my fatigue and my new brand mark, my new points to overcome, my new records. Without the desire to prove to someone else, what better way of knowing that I was able to prove it to myself? What better way to know that I did, that remembering the road from 7:20 am to see me again at 11:00 rolling toward home.


Elantra Overheating Problems

Courtesy of fire?

What level of staff will walk the wrong path??
I mean the thugs or assassins.

complimentary introduced to the concept of fire??
least know what Honor, Courage and Loyalty??

has happened many times that the "criminals" running staff who is not involved and that only protects any movable or immovable property

Friday, March 18, 2011

My Elderly Cat Is Peeing Everywhere

Souls rolling ...

Transvolcanic 2011 is left behind, but everything is amalgamating lived in my soul. Sounds kinda cheesy, I know. I reread and still is so. The soul, that elusive entity in our world of technological marvels and accounts payable that do not end. A concept that many left for the Sunday homilies numbing or a debate inside a mosque or a synagogue.
This term comes to life more than you think. And a window to see him alive, is rolling. That Saturday, in the rush, with a reunion with familiar faces when going to see as the central plaza of the Kings was filling with jerseys of all colors, listening to jokes and famous and that this year, made their appearance. The colors are grouped in moments, and then begin to jump into the pack, when given the start signal and all started our own struggle to overcome this new test ourselves.

There felt my soul move and over my pores, swelling and force field of science fiction, withdraw and escape from every corner of my being. That feeling of butterflies in the stomach, smile for the simple fact of being alive and present in the square, at that time. There I find my soul laugh and vibrate, it's that indefinable feeling of spaciousness, serenity and empathy with the environment, whether a tree, a bench, a child running around or an old man crossing the street.

Then I join the pack and start to navigate in it and I feel full. It's indescribable see dozens of cyclists go through the streets and then take the road, the multi-colored carpet, it changes shape slowly being stretched to cover more ground to go on the road, that soon becomes in a wedge of land and started up the mountain. Oh that mountain!

always there, always the same and always changing for everyone, is offered as a lover but demands of us the same issue, if not more. We go up and the voices are being silenced, each going his way deeper into themselves to make the force that we will once again conquer the climb of Transvolcanic.

Each will have their totems, their mantras, prayers, customs, but in the end, for each, is our own way back to our essence, to take background of most of us to that elusive but loyal soul. There among the pine trees and orchards of avocados, cadential taking the road there and heading to Paricutín young volcano in the ripples that resurface when I meet other cyclists when they're getting to the ruins of San Juan, the old man.

full and satisfied I find myself able to shoot, you can convert this into a way to share my writing and share with my friends, my colleagues, even those that on this occasion were not physically there, feeling the sunlight, wind, trees swaying, the dust raised by the nearly 200 pairs of wheels that sailed once more the wonderful land of Chelis, with José Luis!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Milena Velba Police Woman

Rolling is live!

And if rolling is not only being on top of the saddle and pedal,
Roll is to share with friends and with that even without being friends, they can smile at a new face, a voice that invites you to enjoy a ; anecdote, imagination go in a new way ...

Roll is enjoying a sunset away from home, is enjoying a Quek at the foot of a volcano, you sweat till you drop for the simple fact of wanting to do it!

Roll is to remember to share the dirt and asphalt, is to smile and care for one another ...

And as the song .... "So and so much more ..." Filming is to live!


Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Cast In Sand Sinker Mold

Roll is as simple as looking ... And

Roll is so simple it can be understood in many ways,
So many ways to make an outbound trailers ...
The other morning we some of the group by the road called "The Fly" back ...
It was very enlightening to take pictures of my companions shot, Mark and Adrian,

Roberto y Ruben ...

And the same tree three times as a witness, the same stretch covered with oak leaves and stones that sounded lazy to push the tires on the gap down the slope. Yes, there was, as he took these photos I noticed the magic emerging from the soil itself, aiming in the dying green of the leaves in winter, the wind whispering odes to the new day.

roll is very rich not only in the sense of enjoying the fruit of the efforts made to reach each of those corners, so near and far away from our busy city. It is rich also by the enormous amount of time that occur in only a few seconds, in the same space, as if time itself is doubled and the space to expand into infinite possibilities for action in the same stretch of land.

And also, is a wealth of sensations, even though this route has run dozens of times, each one is different, it's fast, it is contemplative, is a flash while avoiding a low branch, is a stunning second stretch while overcoming a slope that squeezes the most of your legs.

And then, on another route, another day, which may well be the same, the same stock or perhaps one that had been there, he would find a corner that there , has always been, or maybe just came in that day, when the blue sky wanted to mate with the earthy soil of a forest that refuses to retreat, which I invite the party to the trees, dried and fresh or just wanted at that moment, that moment, look out for the photo.
