Sunday, February 27, 2011

Funny Human Anatomy Names

be king ...

will just roll with the few tens of kilometers and climbing the tower applicant always 1 (returns) in the Primavera Forest, one can come and "taste" the view, if I may abuse the term.

Just the day before another group of fellow bikers came to the same summit, some for the first time ... and they tell me their experience. So I Today I remembered my first "uploaded" to the tower and back down through the traditional "Devil's Backbone," a "single track" luxury to enjoy the forest as a single from the saddle and pedals of my bike can do. Dodging rocks in the path, bending the body to balance the body on a sharp bend, bending his head to not hit a low branch ...

This then posted to the applicant the tower, after 10 kilometers of descent towards the sky, which stops the mountain just because it decided ... y así yo puedo ver todo "mi vecindario", el Nevado allá al sur, la sierra, la presa de Valencia colindando San Isidro, la extensión del bosque, los cerros de Santa Anita y Tlajomulco, el cerro Viejo... si, simple y justamente puedo decir: Soy el rey de este... mi mundo! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Low Blood Platelets And Colds

Barcelona Forum on Road Safety Road Safety

Next March 1 will be held in Barcelona Barcelona XVIII Road Safety Forum

The event will participation a great collaborator and friend of many people who are part of the FETEVI, Frank Stephen, whose participation magnify the event.


8:30 am Accreditation

9:00 - 9:30 am Presentation of the day

or Mr. Francesc Narváez, Mobility Councillor of Barcelona City Council.

or Mr. Sebastia Salvado, president of RACC, Royal Automobile Club of Catalonia.

or Mr. Ole Thorson, president of P (A) T, Prevention of Traffic Accidents.

9:30 to 9:50 pm Evaluation in road safety training

or Mr. Jaume Sanmartín, Professor of Methodology Behavioral Sciences and director of the Institute for Research in Traffic and Road Safety University of Valencia.

10:00 to 10:30 h Coffee Break

10:30 to 11:00 h Roundtable: Policy and Training

or Driver education in Europe Mr. Esko Keskinen
expert of the International Commission of Automobile Driving Tests (CIECA).

or Continuous training in mobility
Mr. Alfons Perona, director of Sustainable Mobility Strategies.

or ECOWILL Project: Driving Efficient and practical training
Mr. Jochen Lau, Project Manager ECOWILL, Road Safety Council DVR Germany.

or training and other support actions
Xavier Vilaro, head of the Guardia Urbana of Barcelona.

or Actions for road safety in the city of Barcelona
Mr. Angel Lopez, director of Mobility Services the City of Barcelona.

12:00 to 13:15 h Roundtable: Awareness and Mobility

or RACC Education: environment
learning virtual mobility Ms. Isabel Maestre, director of the company management DUNA educational activities and projects of mobility and sustainability.

or Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMr. Esteve Barandica
educator, head of the development of educational programs City of IMEB.

or Training of trainers: learning to change to teach Mr. Francisco Esteban
change, teacher and teacher trainer.

or social actions for the prevention of accidents
Ms. Montserrat Montal, vice president of Section Affected of P (A) T, Prevention of Traffic Accidents.

13:15 to 13:45 h Debate

14:00 - 16:00 h Comida. Hotel Silken Diagonal

o Entrega de los XVI Premios Barcelona de Seguridad Vial Memorial Mª Ángeles Jiménez.

o Conclusiones y clausura, a cargo de la Sr. Francesc Narváez, concejal de Movilidad del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Biographies Of George Crum

of climate change and invisible cyclists ... Now if I shot

El día de hoy fui a una plática/exposición sobre los resultados de la cumbre de Cambio Climático en Cancún, en donde participaron el embajador de Mexico para el Cambio Climático y el Senador por Jalisco, Alberto Cardenas Jiménez ( ) .
I will not recount the conversation itself, or what they shared and questions answered. But if it seems important to share at least you (and better for you to share it with friends and acquaintances more ...) detailing.
is in relation to what someone in the government of Jalisco, who also attended, said, sorry that I paid attention to his name and the unit with which it works, but the time to be talking about policies prepare for Climate Change and loose mobility policies commented about the wording of "Why the government is set to make bike lanes if there is cyclists who use them?" "Where are the riders?"
because I did not stop I wanted to spend just as an agitator, and not get off to a very poor level of debate. Best
thought as you level up the debate and the first thing I was thinking about writing this and send it to you and several units that I think might be where this guy could work.
is frustrating as, on one hand, ideas are presented as attractive and hopeful for fuel ecologically sustainable, it flirts with proposals for an inclusive and mobility as the other, is demonstrated by this review (and many others that occur in the "events") lack of real vision to improve or implement inclusive mobility in this area metropolitan?
What are we waiting? What do they expect formal support groups for inclusive mobility? "" Are they waiting to get the machines to the av. England to build a camp that will last only until the run?
And politicians and officials understand When it is not possible to sustain the lifestyle of the city of Guadalajara whether they are building around the Primavera Forest, strangling him and sentenced him to extinction?
When politicians hear the real "experts" and not their "champions"? When we tell the Governor, Lord, to propose a railway express, and then with it a greenway that crosses our city! Oh, and actually listen.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

When Does The Teeth Change Todlers

It was a delight to return to cross the "Fly" and then point to "slides" to complete the call path (Quite rightly) the "beautiful". He was reunited with an old friend, was to recognize a path many times walked, or rather, rolled ...

feel free to press the pedal when I beat that I should do or just get carried away by the "flight" or a slight decrease accumulated along the way.

With the fluidity of the roll by the way, my ideas flow from my mind and go for my attention like a branch passes near my town, or a bush rubs my leg, or a stone in the curve arises rim and my arms are coordinated to deliver it instantly or skip. I remember the experiences of the week, the frustrations of listening to the news and see which are the same gibberish of vivales and crouched, thieves and blind "mental" ...

But there comes a breath of fresh air, the chirping of a bird hidden in the top of a tree or the greeting of another colleague who decided also encouraged to shoot this morning. and remember that these are only part of the same coin that I have to decide whether to look or watch helplessly as the decision cheer and do something.

Unless a "speaker" over the radio that only complains of the government or life so unfair in this multifaceted Mexico and become a city that offers something new here that many others (myself also) I tossed my trash whining to us more difficult road ...

So roll, as usual, brings optimism to the heart, makes me see the obstacles, from another perspective, as when going down slides I see the narrow path, I've learned to simply enjoy rather than avoid, where my bike and I groove as arrows seeking their destination at high speed, savoring the clods and the spray of a Sunday morning more ...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Easy To Build Mini Horse Cart Plans

A weekend without rolling ...

say the taste is giving me rolling.
discover how viable it is to move on my own feet (no motor ...)

is a smile on my face when I see a cyclist pedaling.
is to yield to pedestrian, cyclist and why not .. to one another motorist

is cultivating patience and tolerance
confirm that the bike is also going tattooing in my muscles at rest
is done assert my conviction that not only does man live car

weekend is over!
Have a great week!

PD and enjoy it with so many who appreciate it down ... that better! and my new package to enjoy a red .... post more better! say around here. A hug! :-)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Funny Retirement Cake Sayings

To start a day ... Speaking

Thus began today before the sun came up and I barreled into the woods, still somewhat sleepy and cold.
start the shot as usual, with pedaling cadence to overcome the rise tendidita about 5 kms before taking to fill the gap and keep going up, hehe.

But it was not long before starting the descent, touching so many miles of pine branches and feeling the cold that gave off increasing their sharp needles on my face and gloved hands.

We reached a level between trees and then I realized the sun and barreled toward the treetops. And I realized something magical was raining! I looked into the sky but there was a cloud, blue covered everything there, I saw down the road and if he saw signs of falling drops. Sharpen my ear and yes ... hear the raindrops falling with the rhythm of a quiet drizzle. Yes, it was raining, but now the clouds were nothing but lush layer of the forest, which had probably kept the humidity at night, and now with the sun, like us, started his day and moved to continue their journey through this beautiful place ...

Crab Dip Jack Astors Recipe

Hisashiburi desu ne!

Hayabikis Hello!

's been some time since my last post!

There remains the note on the encore HYBK 2010!
I hope to have time to put together with some photos ...

HYBKs For now we are in a semi descanzo, a stand with regard to presentations, to work better our own material ...

We have several ideas that we want to work so we enclose a time.

Right now we're recording and hopefully some soon to listen!

... John

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Web Cam Manhatten 460668

Course organized by the Regional School of Cantabria Local Police

Regional School Local Police Cantabria has included in the training offer for the 2011 course:
ROAD SAFETY. "The social perspective and economic health. Education and training in Road Safety: The social and educational function."


Day 21/03/2011 From 09:30 to 13:30
Road accidents as a social problem and economic health: Introduction to Road Safety. History of the English road safety. Social and psychological costs, the economic consequences of traffic accidents. The numbers of road accidents. Interventions sustainable security: The regulation of road safety. The management of road safety, traffic management, road safety type plans, the Urban Mobility Plans. Day

22/03/2011 From 09:30 to 10:30
Educational Project.
development of 010:30 to 11:30
Practical Example of developing a driver education project. "Between us / as" (Award for Innovation in public services the Government of Cantabria).
of 011:30 to 13:30
Group Dynamics. Activities aimed at different age groups. (If possible some activities will take place outside the building). Day

23/03/2011 From 09:30 to 11:30
Jobs in Prisons with people punished for crimes related to road safety.
From 11:30 to 11:30
Education Practice vial: "The Road trail." Explaining the design and operation of the Game. It will be delivered from one game to each person attending.

Day from 09:30 to 13:30 24/03/2011 hours
Traffic accidents and its relation to the accident and the accident. Factors affecting the accident: the vehicle, the highway, the driver, the environment. The gradual formation of new drivers. Rehabilitation and reintegration of disabled drivers: The measures taken, the penalty points, driving tutelage. Day

25/03/2011 From 09:30 to 11:30
Raising awareness of traffic accidents as a fundamental part of prevention.
From 11:30 to 12:30
representation of the work "the next minute."
From 12:30 to 13:30

choice test materials and activities taught in the course.
Assessment Test: presentation of activities and projects developed by participants throughout the week.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Washing Machine Works Fine Makes Screeching Noise

air ...

And there is much to say ... is why I have trouble finding where to start. There's been more than ten days I think, but they accumulate many issues, one after another ... if you make a post about the closure of the Treasury to access not only for cyclists who seek a respite from the daily routine, but also to all the neighbors around that I used to "clean up" their sedentary lifestyle and to intimidate the weak looking for any excuse to do nothing.

Or talk about that like to see cyclists riding fifteen mid-week, half a working day, making view, showing that it is possible to find a silver lining to the bloated artificial agendas and turn our forgotten human nature to seek, strive and achieve a new goal each day.

Or talk about the powerlessness of view still do not get tired of setting Infiernito and stay in them while still vivales and stupid driving "like drunks" to this country and the worst, that all we above the "micro", we were sit-or, at best, we cling to any part not to fall, knowing that as we loaded the bald ...

As I emerged from the depths of my spirit of hope (is that a bad Mexican? .. or is it a good) ... and I think in Mexico ... I'm glad to know that Mexico is much more than this human ball "civilized" that we inhabit. Is the earth, are the rolling contours of a piece of this planet, its waters and skies, living things (rather than humans) that live and exude the scent of millennia of legend and history, are the caves and caverns, their winds and the sun reflecting generous inundates us every day ... I think that's why we're still here. Who has more hope that Mexico itself is all in all we still "accept" and we are seeking ... keeping in this blessed land that we forget that we have inherited yet deserve.

I hope not too late yet. I think not. I am cyclist at heart, and that gives me to believe that there is no way that we can not shoot, you may get tired and take a walk a stretch, perhaps puncture the tire and have to change the camera, you grind a little chain, but the end is necessary for self-pedal, can not say that not one shot as myself who take the handle and run your chain, no matter what you say ... "No one can pedalearte your bike."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Inurl:/view/shtml Cameras Ip

II Course for Road Safety Education from the Spanish and European perspective. Models, resources and best practices.

Address: Dr . Violeta MANSO PÉREZ: University of Salamanca and Traffic Department.

- Course addressed to different professionals, nationally and internationally, to any professional and university students, related to or interested in this topic.
- Mode: On line in its entirety.
- Credits: 3 (30 hours)
- Duration: from 14 March to April 10, 2011, inclusive.
- Certification : those who pass the course, they send the corresponding certificate certifying the same signed by the University of Salamanca.

Conditions for Registration:
1. The registration period ends on March 11, 2011, provided they have not covered all the places above.
2. The inscription on the registry shall be made through the web Salamanca University enabled the effect on:

The process is:
- Enter on this page.
- Select "Courses Not face "

- Locate the Course" ROAD SAFETY EDUCATION from the English and European perspective. Models, resources and best practices. "
- Select the course and follow the instructions.

3. The registration fee is:
- 80 euros for students (must trust it)
- 110 euros for the rest of the subscribers