Barcelona Forum on Road Safety Road Safety Next March 1 will be held in Barcelona Barcelona XVIII Road Safety Forum
The event will participation a great collaborator and friend of many people who are part of the FETEVI, Frank Stephen, whose participation magnify the event.
9:00 - 9:30 am Presentation of the day
or Mr. Francesc Narváez, Mobility Councillor of Barcelona City Council.
or Mr. Sebastia Salvado, president of RACC, Royal Automobile Club of Catalonia.
or Mr. Ole Thorson, president of P (A) T, Prevention of Traffic Accidents.
9:30 to 9:50 pm Evaluation in road safety training
or Mr. Jaume Sanmartín, Professor of Methodology Behavioral Sciences and director of the Institute for Research in Traffic and Road Safety University of Valencia.
10:00 to 10:30 h Coffee Break
10:30 to 11:00 h Roundtable: Policy and Training
or Driver education in Europe Mr. Esko Keskinen
expert of the International Commission of Automobile Driving Tests (CIECA).
or Continuous training in mobility
Mr. Alfons Perona, director of Sustainable Mobility Strategies.
or ECOWILL Project: Driving Efficient and practical training
Mr. Jochen Lau, Project Manager ECOWILL, Road Safety Council DVR Germany.
or training and other support actions
Xavier Vilaro, head of the Guardia Urbana of Barcelona.
or Actions for road safety in the city of Barcelona
Mr. Angel Lopez, director of Mobility Services the City of Barcelona.
12:00 to 13:15 h Roundtable: Awareness and Mobility
or RACC Education: environment
learning virtual mobility Ms. Isabel Maestre, director of the company management DUNA educational activities and projects of mobility and sustainability.
or Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMr. Esteve Barandica
educator, head of the development of educational programs City of IMEB.
or Training of trainers: learning to change to teach Mr. Francisco Esteban
change, teacher and teacher trainer.
or social actions for the prevention of accidents
Ms. Montserrat Montal, vice president of Section Affected of P (A) T, Prevention of Traffic Accidents.
13:15 to 13:45 h Debate
14:00 - 16:00 h Comida. Hotel Silken Diagonal
o Entrega de los XVI Premios Barcelona de Seguridad Vial Memorial Mª Ángeles Jiménez.
o Conclusiones y clausura, a cargo de la Sr. Francesc Narváez, concejal de Movilidad del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona.