Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Funny Retirement Cake Sayings

To start a day ... Speaking

Thus began today before the sun came up and I barreled into the woods, still somewhat sleepy and cold.
start the shot as usual, with pedaling cadence to overcome the rise tendidita about 5 kms before taking to fill the gap and keep going up, hehe.

But it was not long before starting the descent, touching so many miles of pine branches and feeling the cold that gave off increasing their sharp needles on my face and gloved hands.

We reached a level between trees and then I realized the sun and barreled toward the treetops. And I realized something magical was raining! I looked into the sky but there was a cloud, blue covered everything there, I saw down the road and if he saw signs of falling drops. Sharpen my ear and yes ... hear the raindrops falling with the rhythm of a quiet drizzle. Yes, it was raining, but now the clouds were nothing but lush layer of the forest, which had probably kept the humidity at night, and now with the sun, like us, started his day and moved to continue their journey through this beautiful place ...


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