Saturday, February 5, 2011

Inurl:/view/shtml Cameras Ip

II Course for Road Safety Education from the Spanish and European perspective. Models, resources and best practices.

Address: Dr . Violeta MANSO PÉREZ: University of Salamanca and Traffic Department.

- Course addressed to different professionals, nationally and internationally, to any professional and university students, related to or interested in this topic.
- Mode: On line in its entirety.
- Credits: 3 (30 hours)
- Duration: from 14 March to April 10, 2011, inclusive.
- Certification : those who pass the course, they send the corresponding certificate certifying the same signed by the University of Salamanca.

Conditions for Registration:
1. The registration period ends on March 11, 2011, provided they have not covered all the places above.
2. The inscription on the registry shall be made through the web Salamanca University enabled the effect on:

The process is:
- Enter on this page.
- Select "Courses Not face "

- Locate the Course" ROAD SAFETY EDUCATION from the English and European perspective. Models, resources and best practices. "
- Select the course and follow the instructions.

3. The registration fee is:
- 80 euros for students (must trust it)
- 110 euros for the rest of the subscribers


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