Monday, February 7, 2011

Washing Machine Works Fine Makes Screeching Noise

air ...

And there is much to say ... is why I have trouble finding where to start. There's been more than ten days I think, but they accumulate many issues, one after another ... if you make a post about the closure of the Treasury to access not only for cyclists who seek a respite from the daily routine, but also to all the neighbors around that I used to "clean up" their sedentary lifestyle and to intimidate the weak looking for any excuse to do nothing.

Or talk about that like to see cyclists riding fifteen mid-week, half a working day, making view, showing that it is possible to find a silver lining to the bloated artificial agendas and turn our forgotten human nature to seek, strive and achieve a new goal each day.

Or talk about the powerlessness of view still do not get tired of setting Infiernito and stay in them while still vivales and stupid driving "like drunks" to this country and the worst, that all we above the "micro", we were sit-or, at best, we cling to any part not to fall, knowing that as we loaded the bald ...

As I emerged from the depths of my spirit of hope (is that a bad Mexican? .. or is it a good) ... and I think in Mexico ... I'm glad to know that Mexico is much more than this human ball "civilized" that we inhabit. Is the earth, are the rolling contours of a piece of this planet, its waters and skies, living things (rather than humans) that live and exude the scent of millennia of legend and history, are the caves and caverns, their winds and the sun reflecting generous inundates us every day ... I think that's why we're still here. Who has more hope that Mexico itself is all in all we still "accept" and we are seeking ... keeping in this blessed land that we forget that we have inherited yet deserve.

I hope not too late yet. I think not. I am cyclist at heart, and that gives me to believe that there is no way that we can not shoot, you may get tired and take a walk a stretch, perhaps puncture the tire and have to change the camera, you grind a little chain, but the end is necessary for self-pedal, can not say that not one shot as myself who take the handle and run your chain, no matter what you say ... "No one can pedalearte your bike."


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